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Why variable isn’t working in select query?

Why this is working when I use absolute value but when i try to use variable as query parameter the query returns no data ?

private void SetBomNumber()
        da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Products.[ProductCode], Max(ISNULL([BomNumber], 0) + 1) AS NewBomSerial FROM Products LEFT JOIN Bom ON Products.ProductCode = Bom.ProductCode GROUP BY Products.[ProductCode] HAVING(((Products.[ProductCode]) = '210002')) ", Cn);
        if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
            int BomNumber= Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[0]["NewBomSerial"].ToString());
            txtBomNum.Text = BomNumber.ToString();
            MessageBox.Show("The Next Serial Is :" + BomNumber);
            MessageBox.Show("The Query Doesn’t Work");
    catch (Exception Err)
        MessageBox.Show("This Error Occured :" + Err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);



With variable this shows the error message "The Query Doesn't work" ?

private void SetBomNumber()



    da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Products.[ProductCode], Max(ISNULL([BomNumber], 0) + 1) AS NewBomSerial FROM Products LEFT JOIN Bom ON Products.ProductCode = Bom.ProductCode GROUP BY Products.[ProductCode] HAVING(((Products.[ProductCode]) = @prcode)) ", Cn);
    da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prcode", "%" + txtprcode.Text + "%");
    if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
        int BomNumber= Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[0]["NewBomSerial"].ToString());
        txtBomNum.Text = BomNumber.ToString();
        MessageBox.Show("The Next Serial Is :" + BomNumber);
        MessageBox.Show("The Query Doesn’t Work");
catch (Exception Err)
    MessageBox.Show("This Error Occured :" + Err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

This code works in other form with no problem , Thanks in Advance.


  • Based on @DRapp comments thanks to him this worked for me : If you need the condition to be the exact value of the variable then use :

    da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Products.[ProductCode], Max(ISNULL([BomNumber], 0) + 1) AS NewBomSerial FROM Products LEFT JOIN Bom ON Products.ProductCode = Bom.ProductCode GROUP BY Products.[ProductCode] HAVING(((Products.[ProductCode]) = @prcode)) ", Cn);
    da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prcode",  txtprcode.Text );

    If you need the condition to be Like the variable you can use :

       da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Products.[ProductCode], Max(ISNULL([BomNumber], 0) + 1) AS NewBomSerial FROM Products LEFT JOIN Bom ON Products.ProductCode = Bom.ProductCode GROUP BY Products.[ProductCode] HAVING(((Products.[ProductCode]) LIKE @prcode)) ", Cn);
       da2.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prcode", "%" +txtprcode.Text+ "%");
