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Python async Playwright pass data outside function

I'm quite new to aynschronous programming and I just can't get the json data out of the function. Is there some kind of special way to pass on data from async functions? I would like to use the json data to extract other data.

async def main():
    async with async_playwright() as p:

        async def handle_response(response): 
        # the endpoint we are insterested in 
            if ('eindpoint/name' in response.url): 
                json_data = await response.json()


        browser = await p.chromium.launch()
        page = await browser.new_page()
        # go to directly to searchpage
        await page.goto("website_url", wait_until='networkidle')
        page.on('response', handle_response)

        await page.fill('input[id=zoeklocatie]', 'search_query')
        # Use two enters to first make button visible
        await page.wait_for_timeout(3000)
        await browser.close()
await main()

The result right now is that the JSON data is printed. But how can I get this JSON data outside the function and use it further on for other stuff.

I tried to return the data and also the variable. Using global variables. But the return value keeps being empty and I think it has something to do with the asynchronomous working of the code. So the return comes earlier than the result.

Anyone an idea if I am correct and how I can solve this?

Thanks for the help!


  • So with the help of Joran I was able to make this code work, tx!

    I used his suggestion for using a future twice to get the data outside the main() function.

    mainRespPromise = asyncio.Future()
    async def main():
        async with async_playwright() as p:
            myRespPromise = asyncio.Future()
            async def handle_response(response): 
            # the endpoint we are insterested in 
                if ('eindpoint/name' in response.url): 
                    json_data = await response.json()
                    # "resolve the promise"
            browser = await p.chromium.launch()
            page = await browser.new_page()
            # go to directly to searchpage
            await page.goto("website_url", wait_until='networkidle')
            page.on('response', handle_response)
            print("Made call, now await response...")
            await page.fill('input[id=zoeklocatie]', 'search_query')
            # Use two enters to first make button visible
            result_json = await myRespPromise
            print("GOT RESULT:",result_json)
            await page.wait_for_timeout(3000)
            await browser.close()
    await main()
    json_data = await mainRespPromise