I created a repeated bar graph with altair but I cannot seem to add the same text (column = Rank) to the bars on all bar charts. This is the error message I get: 'RepeatChart' object has no attribute 'mark_text'
chart1 = alt.Chart(merged, width=500, height=300).mark_bar().encode(
alt.X("City", type='ordinal', sort="-y"),
alt.Y(alt.repeat("column"), type='quantitative'),
alt.Color('City', legend=None, scale=alt.Scale(scheme='tableau20'))).repeat(
column=['Cost of a bottle of water(City)', 'Pollution(Index score) (City)', 'Annual average hours worked',
'Outdoor activities(City)','Number of take out places(City)', 'Cost of a monthly gym membership(City)',
'Cost of Living Index', 'Rent Index', 'Cost of Living Plus Rent Index', 'Groceries Index',
'Restaurant Price Index','Local Purchasing Power Index'])
text = chart1.mark_text(baseline='middle',
chart1 + text
You cannot change the mark of a RepeatChart. You need to create the layer first and then use repeat on the layered chart. Something like this:
chart1 = alt.Chart(merged, width=500, height=300).mark_bar().encode(
alt.X("City", type='ordinal', sort="-y"),
alt.Y(alt.repeat("column"), type='quantitative'),
alt.Color('City', legend=None, scale=alt.Scale(scheme='tableau20')))
text = chart1.mark_text(baseline='middle',
(chart1 + text).repeat(
column=['Cost of a bottle of water(City)', 'Pollution(Index score) (City)', 'Annual average hours worked',
'Outdoor activities(City)','Number of take out places(City)', 'Cost of a monthly gym membership(City)',
'Cost of Living Index', 'Rent Index', 'Cost of Living Plus Rent Index', 'Groceries Index',
'Restaurant Price Index','Local Purchasing Power Index'])
Here is a complete reproducible example:
import altair as alt
from vega_datasets import data
source = data.cars()
c = alt.Chart(source).mark_circle().encode(
x=alt.X('Weight_in_lbs:Q', title=''),
y=alt.Y(alt.repeat(), type='quantitative'),
(c + c.mark_line()).repeat(['Horsepower', 'Acceleration'])