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Adding to list with Bloc (flutter)

I've just started learning how to manage state with BLOC in flutter. I've written this small and simple example (With Cubit) that is supposed to add names to a list and remove from it. The list does not get filled and I cannot figure out where the problem is.

My code:

class StudentHandlerCubit extends Cubit<StudentHandlerState> {
  ///initial value is set here:
  StudentHandlerCubit() : super(StudentHandlerState(badSts: []));

  addToBadSts(String name) {
    return emit(StudentHandlerState(badSts: state.badSts));

  void removeFromBadSts(String name){
    state.badSts.removeWhere((element) => element==name);
    return emit(StudentHandlerState(badSts: state.badSts));

class StudentHandlerState{
  ///Sts = Students
  List<String> badSts = [];
  StudentHandlerState({badSts=const []});

Here is the ui: (Elevated Button to add and remove)

class CustomElevatedButton extends StatelessWidget {
  final ButtonState buttonState;
  final GlobalKey<FormState> globalKey;
  final TextEditingController controller;

  const CustomElevatedButton({Key? key,
    required this.buttonState,
    required this.globalKey,
    required this.controller})
      : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    var blocModel =<StudentHandlerCubit>();
    return ElevatedButton(
      style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
          primary: buttonState == ButtonState.add ? :,
      onPressed: () {
        if (globalKey.currentState!.validate()) {
          _onPressed(context, buttonState, controller);
          // Navigator.pop(context);
      child: Text(_setText(buttonState)),

  void _onPressed(BuildContext ctx, ButtonState bs,
      TextEditingController cntr) {
    var blocModel =<StudentHandlerCubit>();
    bs == ButtonState.add ?
    blocModel.addToBadSts(cntr.text) :

  String _setText(ButtonState bs) {
    return bs == ButtonState.add ?
    'add' : 'delete';


And here is the column which I want to show all the names:

                  children: [
                    const Text(header1),
                    const Divider(
                      thickness: 2,
                        builder: (context, handler) {
                          return Column(
                              children: handler.badSts
                                  .map((e) => Text(e))

This codebase does not work. Thanks for helping.


  • Your StudentHandlerState isn't adding the new list of items to it's internal badSts variable so when you emit the new state nothing is updated. Try the following.

    class StudentHandlerState {
      ///Sts = Students
      List<String> badSts;
      StudentHandlerState({required this.badSts});

    Using this.badSts assigns the passed in parameter to the badSts variable.