Search code examples

Remove Numbers, Punctuations, White Spaces before Tokenization

I have the following data frame

report <- data.frame(Text = c("unit 1 crosses the street", 
       "driver 2 was speeding and saw driver# 1", 
        "year 2019 was the year before the pandemic",
        "hey saw       hei hei in        the    wood",
        "hello: my kityy! you are the best"), id = 1:5)
                                         Text id
1                   unit 1 crosses the street  1
2     driver 2 was speeding and saw driver# 1  2
3  year 2019 was the year before the pandemic  3
4 hey saw       hei hei in        the    wood  4
5           hello: my kityy! you are the best  5

From a previous coding help, we can remove stop words using the following code.

report$Text <- gsub(paste0('\\b',tm::stopwords("english"), '\\b', 
                          collapse = '|'), '', report$Text)
                                    Text id
1                 unit 1 crosses  street  1
2      driver 2  speeding  saw driver# 1  2
3            year 2019   year   pandemic  3
4 hey saw       hei hei             wood  4
5                 hello:  kityy!    best  5

The above data still has noises (numbers, punctuations, and white space). Need to get the data in the following format by removing these noises before tokenization. Additionally, I want to remove selected stop words (for example, saw and kitty).

                                    Text id
1                   unit crosses  street  1
2                driver speeding  driver  2
3                     year year pandemic  3
4                       hey hei hei wood  4
5                             hello best  5


  • We may get the union of tm::stopwords and the new entries, paste them with collapse = "|", remove those with replacement as "" in gsub, along with removing the punctuations and digits and extra spaces (\\s+ - one or more spaces)

    trimws(gsub("\\s+", " ", 
     gsub(paste0("\\b(", paste(union(c("saw", "kityy"), 
       tm::stopwords("english")), collapse="|"), ")\\b"), "", 
         gsub("[[:punct:]0-9]+", "", report$Text))


    [1] "unit crosses street" 
    [2  "driver speeding driver" 
    [3] "year year pandemic"   
    [4] "hey hei hei wood"   
    [5] "hello best"