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TypeError: color must be int or single-element tuple

Here is the error encountered:

TypeError: color must be int or single-element tuple

Here is the code I am running:

from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
from PIL import ImageFont, ImageOps

label1 = "VIKRAM"
font = ImageFont.truetype('D:/vikram/pythonProject/fonts/BalloonCraft-9YBK7.ttf', 800)
line_height = sum(font.getmetrics())
fontimage1 ='L', (font.getsize(label1)[0], line_height))
ImageDraw.Draw(fontimage1).text((0,0),str(label1),stroke_width=10, stroke_fill=(0, 0, 0), fill=255, font=font)
fontimage1 = fontimage1.rotate(90, resample=Image.NEAREST, expand=True)
orig ='F:/desktop/Kitty/PSI Hello Kitty Theme Personalized Door Poster-1.png')
orig.paste((135, 255, 135), box=(2200, 1500), mask=fontimage1)

The error occurs in ImageDraw.Draw for the stroke_fill parameter.

How can I fix this?


  • I belive as you put the 'L' in your image will be gray scale, therefore you can't specify a RGB tuple for stroke_fill because you only have black shades. As specified in the error message you have to use an int or a single tuple.