I changed my prompt as:
c=$(basename $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV)
export PS1='[\h] -\e[0;36m$c\e[0;37m (\W) 🤞 \e[0;52m'
In ~/.bashrc
The first newline is actually carriage return but from the second newline these are actually newlines.
What I refer to the new line is when the command is too long and instead of continuing in a second line, I write on top of the beginning of the prompt line.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
You have to put escape sequences (or any other sequences that are invisible when printed) around \[
for Bash to properly detect prompt length. See bash documentation about prompt.
Something along:
export PS1='[\h] -\[\e[0;36m\]$c\[\e[0;37m\] (\W) 🤞\[\e[0;52\]m'
should be fine - Bash should be able to handle multi-byte sequences and properly detect the length of UTF-8 stuff.