I am extracting a simple graph with just 4 nodes, all nodes connected, meaning there are no isolated nodes and there is a path between any two of them. Then I am running a random walk algorithm. However, the algorithm outputs only two walks while technically it should be four - one for each node. Not sure what is the problem and any help will be appreciated. Here is the code -
// Cypher query to extract the subgraph with 4 nodes - any two have a path
MATCH p=(m1)-[r]->(m2)
WHERE (m1 IN events AND m2 IN events)
WITH COLLECT(m1) AS m1s, COLLECT(m2) AS m2s, COLLECT({source:m1, target:m2, type: TYPE(r)}) AS rels
// Create a projection
WITH apoc.coll.toSet(m1s + m2s) AS nodes, rels
CALL gds.graph.create.cypher(
"UNWIND $nodes AS n RETURN id(n) AS id, labels(n) AS labels",
"UNWIND $rels AS rel RETURN id(rel['source']) AS source , id(rel['target']) AS target,
{ LINKS: { orientation: 'UNDIRECTED' } }, rel['type'] AS type",
{parameters: {nodes:nodes, rels:rels} }
YIELD graphName AS graph, nodeQuery,
nodeCount AS nodes_count, relationshipQuery,
relationshipCount AS rels_count
// Call the Random Walk algorithm
CALL gds.beta.randomWalk.stream(
walkLength: 3,
walksPerNode: 1,
randomSeed: 42,
concurrency: 1
YIELD nodeIds, path
RETURN nodeIds, [node IN nodes(path) | node.name ] AS event_name
Upon @micro5 suggestion (see comments above) I replaced the statement:
MATCH p=(m1)-[r]->(m2)
with MATCH p=(m1)-[r]-(m2)
and the random walk executes as expected.