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Change Visual Studio 2022 Team Explorer default behavior

I used to modify a registry key to change the behavior of VS 2019 and older, so when I add a task to a Team Explorer Check-in (TFS) it automatically set the action to associate instead of resolve. But in VS 2022 it doesn't work anymore.

I have used Procmon to see where in the registry the value is pulled from (see screenshot). It should be from :


But I don't know where to modify that value. I tried to set it in HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\17.0\TeamFoundation\SourceControl\Behavior but it doesn't work. This key is now ignored.

Has anyone an idea of where I should change this value ? Also, there must be something I miss here, because this type of registry path are new to me.

Registry Key Process Monitor


  • In fact you can simply access it in the options...

    enter image description here