I want to programatically retrieve the number of breaks/newlines in a TFlowLayout
I have a simple TFlowLayout
with 4 regular controls inside (The TFlowLayout
does not contain any TFlowLayoutBreak
Depending on the width of the layout it looks like:
// * = control
// Scenario #1: No breaks
* * * *
// Scenario #2: 1 break
* * *
// Scenario #3: 2 breaks
* *
* *
// Scenario #4: 3 breaks
Is it possible to retrieve the number of breaks of a TFlowLayout
programatically or can I only go off the width of the layout to determine the number of breaks?
Counting the changes in Y values for the controls looks to work since the array is in layout order.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Cnt, I : integer;
if FlowLayout1.ControlsCount = 0 then Cnt := 0 else Cnt := 1;
for I := 1 to FlowLayout1.ControlsCount - 1 do
if FlowLayout1.Controls[I-1].Position.Y <> FlowLayout1.Controls[I].Position.Y then inc(cnt);
button1.Text := IntToStr(Cnt);