I have the following dplyr code:
df3 <- Table3%>%
group_by(Q6,Q9,Q11) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
mutate(per = paste0(round(100 *count/sum(count),2),'%')) %>%
Q6 is a name, Q9 describes a topic that can be used for any value of Q6, and Q11 is a Y/N (1/2) question if there is a goal mentioned.
I am not sure if my code is correct for the interpretation that i need because i am not sure what summarize does, or counts when there are 3 variables. So i don't know what variable is the count.
summarise(count = n()) %>%
in short I want to get a frequency and percent of how many times a goal was mentioned or not, every time Q6 and Q9 appeared together. I get this output but I am not sure if this is the correct frequency(count).
Q6 Q9 Q11 count per
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
1 0 104 2 1 100%
2 0 105 2 1 100%
3 0 22 2 1 100%
4 0 25 2 1 100%
5 0 29 2 1 100%
6 0 30 2 1 100%
7 0 31 1 1 100%
8 0 42 1 1 100%
9 0 44 2 2 66.67%
10 0 44 NA 1 33.33%
11 0 5 1 1 100%
12 0 51 NA 1 100%
13 0 52 1 1 100%
14 0 63 2 1 100%
15 0 7 1 1 100%
16 0 76 1 1 100%
17 0 77 2 1 100%
18 0 83 2 1 100%
19 0 85 2 1 100%
20 0 NA NA 9 100%
21 1 14 1 1 100%
22 1 39 1 1 50%
23 1 39 2 1 50%
24 101 0 1 1 100%
25 101 42 1 1 100%
this is a table of more than 500 rows, so I'd need to order them in decreasing order. So for example in the table below, line 2 would have to mean "When Q9(=44) was mentioned for Q6(=23), 8 times there was no goal mentioned (Q11=2) ."
lines 3,4 and 5 would be interpreted: "for Q6(=52), when topic 30 was mentioned in 8 instances there was also a goal mentioned, but when topic 89 was mentioned there was no goal in 7 instances, and in 6 instances when topic 29 was mentioned."
the percent throws me off, i am not sure how to interpret it, but i need to have it.
Q6 Q9 Q11 count per
<chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
1 0 NA NA 9 100%
2 23 44 2 8 100%
3 52 30 1 8 61.54%
4 52 89 2 7 100%
5 52 29 2 6 66.67%
6 66 63 1 6 54.55%
7 97 30 1 6 60%
8 52 30 2 5 38.46%
9 60 42 2 5 55.56%
10 66 63 2 5 45.45%
11 19 51 2 4 80%
12 19 7 1 4 66.67%
13 24 49 2 4 57.14%
14 52 99 2 4 100%
15 53 41 2 4 100%
16 60 105 2 4 80%
17 60 42 1 4 44.44%
18 97 30 2 4 40%
19 97 60 2 4 100%
20 19 16 2 3 100%
21 24 49 1 3 42.86%
22 272 7 1 3 100%
23 5 46 2 3 100%
24 52 29 1 3 33.33%
25 52 31 1 3 100%
is this correct? or does my count mean something else?
would really appreciate help with the interpretation, or a better code for what i am looking for?
Thank you!
returns you the number of cases of that particular combination in group_by
. As you showed two different outputs, I'm not sure exactly how you got them, and so, not sure how to interpret your %s.
Without a reproducible example, it's hard to help you fully. But if I got it right, you're on the right track. I'd just be careful with counting inside different group settings.
There is definitely a more cleaver way of doing it, but I'd break it down in two steps, as in the code below, to not mess with different count numbers given different grouping variables
## Crete some fake data
df <-
data.frame("Q6" = sample(8:10, size = 50, replace = TRUE),
"Q9" = round(rnorm(n = 50, mean = 32, sd = 2), digits = 0),
"Q11" = sample(1:2, size = 50, replace = TRUE))
## Then summarise the number of occurrences
## based on combinations of Q6 and Q9
## i.e. how many times that combination of Q6 and Q9 happened
out1 <-
df %>%
group_by(Q6, Q9) %>%
summarise(n_q6_q9 = n())
## Then count the number of Y/N (your Q11) by combinations of Q6 and Q9
## i.e. how many Y or N for each Q6~Q9 combination
out2 <-
df %>%
group_by(Q6, Q9, Q11) %>%
summarise(n_q11 = n())
## Merge them and calculate the percentage
out_final <-
left_join(out2, out1, by = c("Q6", "Q9")) %>% ## Note order of out2 and out1
mutate(per = paste0(round(n_q11/n_q6_q9 * 100, digits = 2), "%"))
# %>% ## Not sure if you need to arrange it?
# group_by(Q6, Q9) %>%
# arrange(per)