I have come across a shader that I am trying to understand where a point is found within a disk defined by a radius.
How does this function DiskPoint
float HASHVALUE = 0.0f;
vec2 RandomHashValue()
return fract(sin(vec2(HASHVALUE += 0.1, HASHVALUE += 0.1)) * vec2(43758.5453123, 22578.1459123));
vec2 DiskPoint(in float radius, in float x1, in float x2)
float P = radius * sqrt(1.0f - x1);
float theta = x2 * 2.0 * PI;
return vec2(P * cos(theta), P * sin(theta));
void main()
HASHVALUE = (uvCoords.x * uvCoords.y) * 64.0;
HASHVALUE += fract(time) * 64.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i)
vec2 hash = RandomHashValue();
vec2 disk = DiskPoint(sampleRadius, hash.x, hash.y);
I see it like this:
vec2 DiskPoint(in float radius, in float x1, in float x2)
// x1,x2 are "uniform randoms" in range <0,+1>
float P = radius * sqrt(1.0f - x1); // this will scale x1 into P with range <0,radius> but change the distribution to uniform number of points inside disc
float theta = x2 * 2.0 * PI; // this will scale x2 to theta in range <0,6.28>
return vec2(P * cos(theta), P * sin(theta)); // and this just use the above as polar coordinates with parametric circle equation ...
// returning "random" point inside disc with uniform density ...
but I just guessed and not tested it so take that in mind