I have this:
subset_1 <- degs[degs$pathol=='fibrosis'°s$value==1,]
mean_1 <- mean(subset_1$logFC)
sd_1 <- sd(subset_1$logFC)
tsub_1 <- t.test(mean_1, sd_1 alternative = c(“two.sided”, “less”, “greater”))
subset_0 <- degs[degs$pathol=='fibrosis'°s$value==0,]
mean_0 <- mean(subset_0$logFC)
sd_0 <- sd(subset_0$logFC)
ttest <- t.test(mean_1, sd_1)
I am getting this error:
Error in t.test.default(mean_1, sd_1) : not enough 'x' observations
I am trying to make a t.test on the subset_1 and subset_0 LogFC column.
I am not sure how to calculate the t.test, I thought I need put as input the mean and standard deviation that I calculated from a column in the subset tables which has a column for logFC, I took the mean and sd of that... and tried both ways to obtain the t.test. I read a lot of info on this but still am having trouble with the input.
You are complicating too much. Use t.test
argument subset
to keep the rows you want.
Untested, since there are no data in the question.
fibr <- degs$pathol == "fibrosis"
val01 <- degs$value %in% c(0, 1)
ttest <- t.test(logFC ~ value, data = degs, subset = fibr & val01)