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why do I get Error in density.default while creating bean plot

I am trying to create a beanplot:


beanplot(df, col="#cccccc", log="y", names="plot-1", yaxt="n", overallline="median", ll=0.00001)

However, I get the following error:

Error in density.default(mlog(x), bw = bw, kernel = kernel, from = from,  : 
  non-finite 'from'

Can anyone please help?


  • It's impossible to be sure without seeing your data, but I suspect that your problem comes from having one or more zeros in the input then trying to draw its density on a log scale.

    I can replicate your problem like this:

    df <- data.frame(x = 0:10)
    beanplot(df, col="#cccccc", log = 'y', names="plot-1", 
             overallline="median", ll=0.00001)
    #> Error in density.default(mlog(x), bw = bw, kernel = kernel, from = from,  : 
    #>   non-finite 'from'

    If we remove the zeros, we get a plot:

    beanplot(df[df$x != 0,], col="#cccccc", log = 'y', names="plot-1", 
             overallline="median", ll=0.00001)

    enter image description here

    Or we can remove the log scale and keep the zeros:

    beanplot(df, col="#cccccc", names="plot-1", overallline="median", ll=0.00001)

    enter image description here

    But clearly we can't both keep the zeros and have a log scale, since the log of zero is interpreted as negative infinity in R.