I'm running into a problem with implementing Parcelable-based state persistence in a View. Namely, as I need to implement the methods of BaseSavedState
like this:
class SavedState : BaseSavedState {
lateinit var myList: ArrayList<MyParcelable>
constructor(superState: Parcelable) : super(superState) {}
private constructor(parcel: Parcel) : super(parcel) {
val listSize = parcel.readInt()
val list = ArrayList<MyParcelable>(listSize)
this.myList = parcel.readTypedList(list, /* needs MyParcelable.CREATOR */ )
override fun writeToParcel(out: Parcel, flags: Int) {
super.writeToParcel(out, flags)
companion object {
val CREATOR: Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> = object : Parcelable.Creator<SavedState> {
override fun createFromParcel(`in`: Parcel): SavedState {
return SavedState(`in`)
override fun newArray(size: Int): Array<SavedState?> {
return arrayOfNulls(size)
However, as you can see, I can't seem to use Parcel.readTypedList()
because it needs both the typed list, and the parcelable's CREATOR
Classes marked like:
data class MyParcelable(val someData: String): Parcelable {
Do not have CREATORs, in fact, if you try to implement, it says:
'CREATOR' definition is not allowed. Use 'Parceler' companion object instead.
I do not want a Parceler companion object, I need a CREATOR!
I also kinda don't want to write the Parcelable implementation by hand, so I might just make it Serializable and be like "whatever".
Does anyone know by chance how you can use Parcel.readTypedList()
with @Parcelize
-annotated Kotlin data class?
From Kotlin 1.6.21, we can use parcelableCreator() from
import kotlinx.parcelize.parcelableCreator
val dataClass = TestDataClass("someValue")
val creator = parcelableCreator<TestDataClass>()
val parcel: Parcel? = null
parcel?.createTypedArrayList(creator) // Will compile