INPUT 1: The string is enclosed CASE NO.: Appeal (civil) 648 of 2007 in between.
OUTPUT 1: Appeal (civil) 648 of 2007
INPUT 2: The string is enclosed CASE NO.: Appeal (civil) 6408 of 2007 in between.
OUTPUT 2: Appeal (civil) 6408 of 2007
I want to extract the string starting with the word CASE NO.(Case Insensitive) and ending with the year being the second occurrence of a number.
I have tried the following code.
case_no ='(?=Case No)(\w+\W+)*?\b\d{4}\b', contents, re.IGNORECASE)
if case_no:
I would use a lazy dot here to match the nearest year occurring after CASE NO.
inp = "The string is enclosed CASE NO.: Appeal (civil) 6408 of 2007 in between."
m ='\bCASE NO\.:\s*(.*\b\d{4}\b)', inp)
print( # Appeal (civil) 6408 of 2007