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How do I get a data from one table to another but with calculations?

I have two tables: "Customer" and "Order". The "Customer" table has an attribute called noOfPurchases, and the "Order" table has an attribute called quantity.

How do I UPDATE the Customer table in the way that, every customer will have a sum of their all orders quantity. For example one time there is a order of 5 items and another record with same CustomerID with 12 items. So it means noOfPurchases in the Customers table should be 17. And all customers data should be updated it is not that I should put as a input customerID one by one. So how can I do that?


ISBN customerID quantity
8670081874189 2901 30
333488387049 2901 20
6137027197872 3421 18
333488387049 3683 15


customerID c_firstname c_surname noOfPurchases
2901 john smith null
3421 lisa jones null
3683 alan jenkins null


  • This is a straightforward multi table UPDATE as described in the manual page

    update customer 
    join (select customerid, sum(quantity) qty from `orrder` group by customerid) csum
    on  customer.customerid = csum.customerid
    set nofpurchases = csum.qty;

    You can either run this manually or periodically using

    or if you wish to update on an insert to orrder use a trigger

    delimiter $$
    create trigger t after insert on `orrder`
    for each row
     update customer
      set nofpurchases = nofpurchases + new.quantity
      where customer.customerid = new.customerid;
    end $$
    delimiter ;