When wanting to return a value with the return and wanting to use it later in a variable, nothing is returned to me.
#Actualizacion de informacion
def messageHandler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
userName = update.effective_user['username']
#text = update.message.text
Usuario = userName
ConsultarServer = ("Ingresa tu nombre de troncal correcta de lo contrario no se te regresara ninguna informacion.")
if ConsultarSaldoSw2 in update.message.text:
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text="Ingresa tu nombre de troncal correcta de lo contrario no se te regresara ninguna informacion.")
text2 = update.message.text
return text2
print (text2)
if text2 in update.message.text:
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text="Ingresa el servidor sw o sw2")
text3 = update.message.text
return text3
print (text3)
If the function is exhausted, and it doesn't meet any of your conditions, it will return None
by default. Consider this shortened example:
def messageHandler(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
if ConsultarSaldoSw2 in update.message.text:
return text2
if text2 in update.message.text:
return text3
# None of these if conditions are met, so nothing is returned
If you don't enter any of these if
statements, you never return a value.