I have a MongoDB collection (SlopeDay) that has dates stored.
In my express routing, I'm looking to format the date to MM-DD-YYYY so that I can use that for the URL. That URL will find all documents with matching dates AND matching resortNames
dateRouter.get("/:formattedDate", (req, res) => {
const formattedDate = req.params.formattedDate;
SlopeDay.find({}) // isolate dates
.then((dateObj) => {
dateObj.forEach((date, i) => {
let dateStr =
// MM-DD-YYYY reformatting to string
("0" + (date.date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) +
"-" +
("0" + date.date.getDate()).slice(-2) +
"-" +
// map below doesn't seem to be doing much
const objWithFormattedDate = dateObj.map((obj) => {
return { ...obj, formattedDate: dateStr, isNew: true };
// console.log(objWithFormattedDate);
I'm at a loss for how to do this properly. I need the get route to access all SlopeDay documents matching dates to the MM-DD-YYYY parameter URL.
I'm able to get it working by breaking the strings up and querying that way:
dateRouter.get("/:formattedDate", (req, res) => {
const formattedDate = req.params.formattedDate;
// break up the date
const targetChars = formattedDate.substring(3, 5);
const beforeTargetChar = formattedDate.substring(0, 3);
const afterTargetChar = formattedDate.substring(5);
// create lower and upper boundaries that straddle the formatted date
const lowerbound = beforeTargetChar + (targetChars - 1) + afterTargetChar;
const upperbound =
beforeTargetChar + (Number(targetChars) + 1) + afterTargetChar;
date: {
// find docs with dates between the boundaries (THIS SHOULD EQUAL req.params.formattedDate)
$gte: new Date(lowerbound),
$lt: new Date(upperbound),
}, // add 2nd query here
}).then((dateData) => res.send(dateData));