I have a checkbox component which renders multiple day checkboxes. I need to print the values of the selected checkboxes. The sample given below looks like the one:
const [state, setState] = useState({
"firstName": "",
"lastName" : "",
"mobileNumber" : "",
"avalabilities": [{"availabilityId": "",
day: [
value: "sun",
name: "Sunday"
value: "mon",
name: "Monday"
value: "tue",
name: "Tuesday"
value: "wed",
name: "Wednesday"
value: "thur",
name: "Thursday"
value: "fri",
name: "Friday"
value: "sat",
name: "Saturday"
"isChecked": false,
"checked" : false,
"allChecked": false,
"error": null});
this is the console value given below
{firstName: '', lastName: '', mobileNumber: '', avalabilities: Array(1), …}
allChecked: false
avalabilities: Array(1)
availabilityId: ""
day: (7) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
[[Prototype]]: Object
length: 1
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
close: false
disabled: false
error: null
firstName: ""
isChecked: false
isPending: false
lastName: ""
mobileNumber: ""
open: false
this is how I am trying to render the arrays
{(avalabilities || [{}]).map((av, index) => {
return (
<div key={av.availabilityId}>
{av.day.map((item) => {
return (
checked={item.checked || false}
onChange={() => handleChange3(item.value)}
But the error on mapping with day array is coming below like this
are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {value, name}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.
const checkedHandler = (event) => {
//Well, here I don't know how change the particular value of the
Any help is highly appreciated.
If i'm correct you want to show values of each checkbox and save the respective checkbox value when we toggle any checkbox.
You have avalabilities
array & in each object we have another day
array. I render the all the avalabilities
. Now when i toggle any checkbox, i pass three things to checkHandler:
which is native event of checkboxavIndex
which is index of object in avalabilities
which is index of object in day array.Now each day object, i set a key checked
and store the value of that checkbox by getting the value from e.target.checked
Hope this solve your problem
newState.avalabilities[avIndex].day[index].checked = e.target.checked;
import { useState } from 'react';
export default function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState({
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
mobileNumber: '',
avalabilities: [
availabilityId: '',
day: [
{ value: 'sun', name: 'Sunday' },
{ value: 'mon', name: 'Monday' },
{ value: 'tue', name: 'Tuesday' },
{ value: 'wed', name: 'Wednesday' },
{ value: 'thur', name: 'Thursday' },
{ value: 'fri', name: 'Friday' },
{ value: 'sat', name: 'Saturday' }
isChecked: false,
checked: false,
allChecked: false,
error: null
const checkedHandler = (e, avIndex, index) => {
console.log(e.target.checked, avIndex, index);
setState((prev) => {
let newState = { ...prev };
newState.avalabilities[avIndex].day[index].checked = e.target.checked;
return newState;
return (
{state.avalabilities.map((av, avIndex) => (
<div key={av.availabilityId}>
{av.day.map((item, index) => (
<div key={index}>
checked={item?.checked || false}
onChange={(e) => checkedHandler(e, avIndex, index)}