I have a task to use the Monte Carlo method to evaluate an unfair coin flip and determine the probability of obtaining n heads out of n flips within n simulations. The guide my professor provided (at bottom) isn't making sense for how to adjust it for an unfair coin. I've included what I started coding, but it's nowhere near complete. How can I adjust Monte Carlo to work for an unfair coin?
Assume you have a coin that is not fair, where the probability of having a heads is p. We are interested in the probability of seeing exactly nheads heads out of a total of nflips flips. Write a function that takes these arguments to evaluate this probability over nsim simulations (a total of four arguments), and test it out on a few different values. Hint: use the prob argument in the sample function.
nsim <- 10000
nheads <-
nflips <-
p <- NULL
unfairfunc <- function(x){
for(nheads in 1:nsim)
nheads <-
nflips <-
Below is the base code my professor provided for Monte Carlo probabilities for a fair coin toss.
flip_function <- function(n) {
flips <- sample(c("heads", "tails"), n, replace=TRUE)
percent_heads <- length(which(flips== "heads")) / n
function has prob
argument, which can be used to assign a probability weight value for each possible outcome. If none is assigned to prob
, the sample
function will take simple random sampling in which each possible outcome has the same probability weight, so each will have the same probability to be selected, which is a fair condition.
For example:
# Case 1:
sample(c("a", "b"), 1)
#Case 2:
sample(c("a", "b"), 1, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
In Case #1, the probability of "a" being sampled equals the probability of "b" being sampled, which is 1/2 = 50%.
In Case #2, the probability of "a" being sampled is 20%, but the probability of "b" being sampled is 80%.
If you repeat the sample function N times, it can be expected that "a" will be selected about 50% N times in Case #1, and about 20% N times in Case #2.
Try many times:
Case #1
s <- numeric(10)
for(k in 1:10) s[k] <- sample(c("a", "b"), 1)
Case #2
s <- numeric(10)
for(k in 1:10) s[k] <- sample(c("a", "b"), 1, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
Note that :
is to be set, a weight value must be assigned to each possible outcome, andprob
must equal 1.