I want to get the value of a field (ScenarioID) in a Ruby ActivityChart object (chart). Displaying the whole chart shows the value I want: 160.
The problem was chart.Scenario yielded the nil value. This could be reproduced in two ways: 1) by referencing chart.Scenario in the program, or by printing chart.Scenario in the debugger.
The chart object:
id: 1,
ChartName: "Pipe 304 Chart",
OverrideStartTime: nil,
OverrideStopTime: nil,
UseStartTime: false,
UseStopTime: false,
UseRecentSeconds: false,
created_at: "2020-02-21 17:39:13",
updated_at: "2020-03-02 16:17:22",
RecentSeconds: nil,
UseConcentrationCal: false,
PercentComplete: 100.0,
ShowOnDashboard: false,
ScenarioID: 160>
ScenarioID is obviously not nil, yet that is what I'm getting in the program, and here in the debugger:
(byebug) p chart.id
(byebug) p chart.PercentComplete
(byebug) p chart.ScenarioID
I get correct values for the other members, only ScenarioID is returning nil. Why is this happening? (I've only been programming in Ruby for a week, so it may be an obvious error.) Thanks!
EDIT: Here is the class ScenarioID appears in:
class ActivityChart < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :ScenarioID
validates :ChartName, presence: true, allow_blank: false
validates :ScenarioID, presence: true
validate :oneAndOnlyOne
def oneAndOnlyOne
if self.UseRecentSeconds && self.RecentSeconds == nil
errors.add(:RecentSeconds, 'can\'t be blank')
I've solved the problem: chart.ScenarioID is the way I'd do it in C++ and it doesn't work here; it returns nil.
In Ruby, chart[:ScenarioID] works, and correctly returns 160.