Search code examples

Alternative solution to `$lookup` needed because the collection in the `from` field is sharded

Query with arbitrary number of filter conditions that come from querying the same collection

I am referring to the question above.

Here is an additional requirement:

The score table is sharded. Hence, it can no longer be in the $lookup stage.

Is there an alternative solution that also only makes one trip to the MongoDB API?


  • One way to do it without lookup is using $group, for example:

        $group: {
          _id: "$test_id",
          highestScore: {$max: "$score"},
          results: {
            $push: {score: "$score", "tester_id": "$tester_id"}
          ourTester: {
            $push: {score: "$score", "tester_id": "$tester_id"}
      {$match: {"ourTester.tester_id": userId}},
        $project: {
          ourTester: {
            $filter: {
              input: "$ourTester",
              as: "item",
              cond: {$eq: ["$$item.tester_id", userId]}
          results: {
            $filter: {
              input: "$results",
              as: "item",
              cond: {$eq: ["$$item.score", "$highestScore"]}}
        $project: {
          ourTester: {"$arrayElemAt": ["$ourTester", 0]},
          highest: {"$arrayElemAt": ["$results", 0]}
        $match: {
          $expr: {$gt: ["$highest.score", "$ourTester.score"]}
        $project: {
          score: "$highest.score",
          tester_id: "$highest.tester_id",
          test_id: "$res._id"

    As you can see here