The problem
Trying to compile a Windows Embed SAPI PHP binary that includes the core PHP and snapshot extensions, with as many of them as possible statically linked.
Trying with PHP 7.4, ZTS, x64 VC15 (Visual Studio 2017)
What I’ve tried (using Appveyor)
configure.bat --!ZTS_STATE!-zts --enable-object-out-dir=%PHP_BUILD_OBJ_DIR% --with-config-file-scan-dir=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\modules.d --with-prefix=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build --with-php-build=%DEPS_DIR% --enable-embed --enable-cli-win32 --enable-snapshot-build --enable-debug-pack --enable-com-dotnet=shared --without-analyzer --disable-phpdbg-webhelper --disable-cgi LDFLAGS=-static
configure.bat --!ZTS_STATE!-zts --enable-object-out-dir=%PHP_BUILD_OBJ_DIR% --with-config-file-scan-dir=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\modules.d --with-prefix=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build --with-php-build=%DEPS_DIR% --enable-embed --enable-cli-win32 --enable-snapshot-build --enable-debug-pack --enable-com-dotnet=shared --without-analyzer --disable-phpdbg-webhelper --disable-cgi --enable-static=yes
configure.bat --!ZTS_STATE!-zts --enable-object-out-dir=%PHP_BUILD_OBJ_DIR% --with-config-file-scan-dir=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\modules.d --with-prefix=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build --with-php-build=%DEPS_DIR% --enable-embed --enable-cli-win32 --enable-snapshot-build --enable-debug-pack --enable-com-dotnet=shared --without-analyzer --disable-phpdbg-webhelper --disable-cgi --enable-shared=no --enable-static=yes
The above commands give me a number of warinings as per below:
all over google but it doesnt seem to be a valid argument.Ended up with the following command:
configure.bat --!ZTS_STATE!-zts --enable-object-out-dir=%PHP_BUILD_OBJ_DIR% --with-config-file-scan-dir=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build\modules.d --with-prefix=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\build --with-php-build=%DEPS_DIR% --disable-cgi --enable-embed=static --enable-cli-win32 --enable-bcmath=static --enable-calendar=static --enable-ctype=static --with-dom=static --enable-filter=static --with-iconv=static --enable-json=static --with-libxml=static --with-mysqlnd=static --enable-pdo --enable-phar --with-readline=static --enable-session=static --enable-tokenizer=static --with-xml=static --enable-xmlreader=static --enable-xmlwriter=static --enable-zip=static --enable-zlib=static --with-sodium=static --with-sqlite3=static --enable-sysvshm=static --with-tidy=static --with-xmlrpc=static --with-xsl=static --with-bz2=static --with-com_dotnet=shared --with-curl=static --with-dba=static --with-enchant=static --enable-exif=static --with-ffi=static --enable-fileinfo=shared --enable-ftp=static --with-gd --with-gettext=static --with-gmp=static --with-imap=static --enable-intl=static --with-ldap=static --enable-mbstring=static --with-mysqli=static --enable-odbc=static --enable-opcache --with-openssl=static --with-pdo_sqlite=shared --enable-shmop --with-snmp=static --enable-sockets
Which resulted in the following build:
| Extension | Mode |
| bz2 | static |
| com_dotnet | static |
| date | static |
| dba | static |
| exif | static |
| ffi | static |
| fileinfo | shared |
| ftp | static |
| gettext | static |
| gmp | static |
| hash | static |
| iconv | static |
| intl | shared |
| json | static |
| ldap | static |
| mbstring | static |
| mysqlnd | static |
| openssl | static |
| pcre | static |
| pdo | static |
| phar | static |
| readline | static |
| reflection | static |
| shmop | static |
| snmp | static |
| sockets | static |
| sodium | static |
| spl | static |
| sqlite3 | static |
| standard | static |
| sysvshm | static |
| tidy | static |
| xmlrpc | static |
| zip | static |
Enabled Zend extensions:
| Extension | Mode |
| opcache | shared |
Enabled SAPI:
| Sapi Name |
| cli |
| cli_win32 |
| embed |