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Teradata CONCAT a String and a modified Date format

I am trying to CONCAT a String and a Modified date format. I have two requirements

First one, I need the output to be in the output window be like

  1. Cost Month: Month YYYY format( where month should be previous month only). for ex-

Cost Month: March 2022

  1. Report Date: MM/DD/YYYY(Todays current date)

Report Date: 04/20/2022

For the second requirement, I am trying something like

SELECT CONCAT ('Report Date' , 'SELECT CURRENT_DATE(FORMAT 'mm/dd/yyyy') (vARCHAR(12))') as Report_Date

But ofcourse it isn't working


  • You're close:

    CONCAT ('Report Date: ' , (CURRENT_DATE (FORMAT 'mm/dd/yyyy')) ) as Report_Date

    Similar for cost month (using || instead of CONCAT):

    'Cost Month: ' || (add_months(current_date, -1) (FORMAT 'mmmmByyyy'))