Search code examples

how to fix it following output

no rule, use for any inbuild function, i have a number of forms and different edition dates so i showing sample data. first, i am matched check the FORM_NO column the last four digits with the Edition_Date column. if matched then the FORM_NO column the last four digits are skipped and concatenations with the Edition_Date column else as it is show.For example when i am trying below query executed.

 with FOrm as (select 'GL-GEN-CHANGE-ENDT-MISC-OLD' Form_No, '05-05' Edition_Date from dual
union all
select 'CM59930202' Form_No, '02-02' Edition_Date from dual
union all
select '99109 06 08' Form_No, '06-08' Edition_Date from dual
union all
select 'IM 7978 08 12' Form_No, '08-12' Edition_Date from dual
union all
select 'IL01220907' Form_No, '09-07' Edition_Date from dual
union all
select 'PRG 2023 05 14' Form_No, '05-14' Edition_Date from dual)
select Form_No,case when SUBSTR(REGEXP_REPLACE( Form_No, '[^[:alnum:]]', NULL ),-4)=REGEXP_REPLACE( Edition_Date, '[^[:alnum:]]', NULL )
then substr(Form_No, 0, length(Form_No)-4)||' '||Edition_Date end as REC1,

 case when SUBSTR(REGEXP_REPLACE( Form_No, '[^[:alnum:]]', NULL ),-4)=REGEXP_REPLACE( Edition_Date, '[^[:alnum:]]', NULL )
 then substr(Form_No, 0, length(REGEXP_REPLACE( Form_No, '[^[:alnum:]]', NULL ))-4)||' '||Edition_Date 
  when  regexp_count(Form_No,'[^ [:alnum:]]')>2  then Form_No||' '||Edition_Date 
  when  regexp_count(Form_No,'[^-[:alnum:]]')>2  then SUBSTR(REGEXP_REPLACE( Form_No, '[^[:alnum:]]', NULL ),-5)||' '||Edition_Date 
 end REC2 from FOrm

I showed the following output after executing the query

        FORM_NO                         Edition_Date        REC1                REC2
----------------------------    -------------   ----------------    --------------------
GL-GEN-CHANGE-ENDT-MISC-OLD     05-05               NULL                GL-GEN-CHANGE-ENDT-MISC-OLD 05-05
CM59930202                      02-02               CM5993 02-02        CM5993 02-02
99109 06 08                     06-08               99109 0 06-08       99109 06-08
IM 7978 08 12                   08-12               IM 7978 0 08-12     IM 797 08-12
IL01220907                      09-07               IL0122 09-07        IL0122 09-07
PRG 2023 05 14                  05-14               PRG 2023 0 05-14    PRG 202 05-14

The expectation result

 FORM_NO                         REC1                           REC2
 -----------------------------------------------------------    ------------------------------------ 
CM59930202                      CM5993 02-02                    CM5993 02-02
99109 06 08                     99109 06-08                     99109 06-08
IM 7978 08 12                   IM7978 08-12                    IM 7978 08-12
IL01220907                      IL0122 09-07                    IL0122 09-07
PRG 2023 05 14                  PRG2023 05-14                   PRG 2023 05-14


  • Here is a regex that gives you your wanted output, you didn't mention any rule only wanted output so here it is:

    with FOrm as 
    select 'GL-GEN-CHANGE-ENDT-MISC-OLD' Form_No, '05-05' Edition_Date from dual
    union all
    select 'CM59930202' Form_No, '02-02' Edition_Date from dual
    union all
    select '99109 06 08' Form_No, '06-08' Edition_Date from dual
    union all
    select 'IM 7978 08 12' Form_No, '08-12' Edition_Date from dual
    union all
    select 'IL01220907' Form_No, '09-07' Edition_Date from dual
    union all
    select 'PRG 2023 05 14' Form_No, '05-14' Edition_Date from dual)
    select Form_No,
        when not regexp_like(Form_No,'[0-9]{1}') then Form_No
        when regexp_like(trim(Form_No),'^[A-Za-z]{1,}[[:space:]]{1,}') then 
            regexp_substr(Form_No,'^[A-Za-z]{1,}')||regexp_substr(Form_No,'[0-9]{1,}')||' '||
        when regexp_like(Form_No,'^[0-9]{1,}') then Form_No
        when regexp_like(Form_No,'^[A-Za-z]{1,}[0-9]{1,}') then
            regexp_substr(Form_No,'^[A-Za-z]{1,}')||regexp_substr(Form_No,'[0-9]{4}')||' '||
    end as rec1,
        when not regexp_like(Form_No,'[0-9]{1}') then Form_No
        when regexp_like(trim(Form_No),'^[A-Za-z]{1,}[[:space:]]{1,}') then 
            regexp_substr(Form_No,'^[A-Za-z]{1,}')||' '||regexp_substr(Form_No,'[0-9]{1,}')||' '||
        when regexp_like(Form_No,'^[0-9]{1,}') then Form_No
        when regexp_like(Form_No,'^[A-Za-z]{1,}[0-9]{1,}') then
            regexp_substr(Form_No,'^[A-Za-z]{1,}')||regexp_substr(Form_No,'[0-9]{4}')||' '||
    end as rec2
    from FOrm


    FORM_NO                      REC1                        REC2
    CM59930202                   CM5993 02-02                CM5993 02-02
    99109 06 08                  99109 06 08                 99109 06 08
    IM 7978 08 12                IM7978 08-12                IM 7978 08-12
    IL01220907                   IL0122 09-07                IL0122 09-07
    PRG 2023 05 14               PRG2023 05-14               PRG 2023 05-14