I have an Array that looks like this
resultList: any[];
this.resultList = [
"id": "14e6f101-f8e8-4914-930f-cbba7a9c5328",
"value": "Dream Inc."
"id": "9a16c1c0-68f3-498a-b968-61849ccc2a21",
"value": "Dressing, Inc. ABC LOREBOX SERVICES"
"id": "919b3cdb-c5fb-40c8-b88f-6c7f44f8446f",
"value": "Dresson-Brand Company"
I am having a hard time trying to retrieve the second item (index 1) by using the value. I can get the other two items by value but the second item returns undefined
code I am using
search(value: any) {
//value coming in
console.log('*** value to search ***', value);
var foundObj = this.resultList.find(p => p.value == value);
console.log('*** foundObj ***', foundObj);
foundObj comes back empty and same results when I do a filter. Any idea's what is wrong with that string that it can't be found? It seems I can get any other string (this is a dynamic array) but this one.
The issue came from the dataList I was using. In the element I was missing the 'value' attribute. Once I added that the spaces were no longer removed and my filtering was able to pick it up.