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Flutter: Is it possible to set vertical alignment in text lines at height> 1.0?

All texts in Figma have some height, for example 1.5, but when I set that height to the TextStyle, all lines with the new height are aligned to the bottom.

See picture

If using Center or Align widgets - wrong result. Examples has bottom vertical alignment in their lines. Like on bottom screenshots.

[Text screenshots2

Is there a possibility to set vertical alignment in flutter Text wiget for every line? Or maybe someone has some helpful tips to solve the problem?

        height: 2.5,
        fontSize: 20,


As user1032613 suggested, such a solution helped.

Result text picture

    final text = 'Example Example\nExample Example';
    const double height = 2.5;
    const double textSize = 16.0;
    const double bottomPadding = (height * textSize - textSize) / 2;
    const double baseline = height * textSize - height * textSize / 4;
    final Widget textWidget = Container(
      color: const Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: bottomPadding),
      child: Baseline(
        baselineType: TextBaseline.alphabetic,
        baseline: baseline,
        child: Text(
          style: const AppTextStyle(
            height: height,
            fontSize: textSize,
            color: const Color(0xFFaa3a3a),


  • There is a property called leadingDistribution which can be used for that:

        style: TextStyle(
            height: 2.0,
            leadingDistribution: TextLeadingDistribution.even,

    From comments:

    After modifying this field, the hot reload will not take effect and will require a hot restart