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Use WebAssembly module compiled with Emscripten in Next JS

I am trying to build a Next JS project with an imported WebAssembly module compiled using Emscripten. The problem seems to be related to the WebPack loader being unable to import the .wasm module via the generated .js. I would greatly appreciate some help.

My C++ file hello.cpp:

#include <math.h>

extern "C" {

int int_sqrt(int x) {
  return sqrt(x);


I compile using:

em++ hello.cpp -o "../v2/lib/wasm/test.js" -s MODULARIZE -s WASM=1 -s EXPORT_NAME="SZU" -s ENVIRONMENT="web" -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_int_sqrt -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall,cwrap

I try to use the module in one of the components like so:

import SZU from "../../../../../../wasm/test";
var int_sqrt = SZU().cwrap("int_sqrt", 'number', ['number'])

When I run npx next build the build fails with:

Error: not compiled for this environment (did you build to HTML and try to run it not on the web, or set ENVIRONMENT to something - like node - and run it someplace else - like on the web?)

I expect to be able to build the project using npx next build then start the server with npx next start and be able to interact with functions exported in the .wasm/.js module files generated by Emscripten.


  • With the help of @lab I realized my approach was wrong. This is the way I made my WASM module work:

    1. This is my hello.cpp file. Important notice the extern "C" {} block:
    #include <math.h>
    extern "C" {
    int int_sqrt(int x) {
      return sqrt(x);
    1. I compile using em++ the destination is the public folder in next. We need to serve the .wasm and .js statically like @lab pointed out:
    em++ hello.cpp -o "../v2/public/wasm/test.js" -s MODULARIZE -s WASM=1 -s EXPORT_NAME="SZU" -s ENVIRONMENT="web" -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_int_sqrt -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall,cwrap
    1. I load the Emscripten generated js file using the next/script tag like so:
    <Script src="/wasm/test.js" strategy='beforeInteractive'/>
    1. In the Component I want to use my WASM module I load it inside the next/useEffect hook, wrap it with Emscripten cwrap and store the function in a reference object using next/useRef like so:
    useEffect(() => {
        if(typeof (window as any).SZU === 'function' && WASM.current === null){
            console.log("loading WASM!");
            (window as any).SZU()
                .then((wasm: WASM) => {
                    console.log("got WASM!");
                    WASM.current = wasm;
                    int_sqrt.current = WASM.current.cwrap("int_sqrt", "number", ["number"]);
    }, []);
    1. I can call the function later like so:
    console.log(`Square root of 16 is ${int_sqrt.current(16)}`);

    I hope this helps someone who had the same problem.