I want to use the access API to manage tokens.
For example to get a list of all tokens by calling: GET /access/api/v1/tokens .
I am using an admin access token with an expiration period of 1 hour generated in the web uis Administration | Identity & Access | Access Tokens section as bearer token (I am able to call other endpoints using this token).
When trying to call the access API I get a "Status 404 Not Found" in Postman and the System Logs show "Request /access/api/v1/tokens should be a repo request and does not match any repo key"
Is there anything I missed? Do I need to specify headers or configure the token differently?
JFrog ref: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Artifactory+REST+API#ArtifactoryRESTAPI-GetTokens.1
Commercial license 7.35.2
Update: I called /artifactory/access/api/v1/tokens instead of /access/api/v1/tokens
Correcting the URL solved my problem.
My guess is you're using the wrong URL. This works for me:
curl https://<INSTANCEID>.jfrog.io/access/api/v1/tokens -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>"