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how do i construct a sas do loop to get the amount of what's left to be paid?

hope you can help me.

The below table wants to show the result I want to get by using a sas code. Basically, it's about calculating the amount of an installment, starting from par_value of 10.000€, with 6% interest rate for 10 years, paying a fixed installment at the end of each period.

year fixed_installment interests capital_paid loan_paid to_be_paid
1 1.358,68 € 600,00 € 758,68 € 758,68 € 9.241,32 €
2 1.358,68 € 554,48 € 804,20 € 1.562,88 € 8.437,12 €
3 1.358,68 € 506,23 € 852,45 € 2.415,33 € 7.584,67 €
4 1.358,68 € 455,08 € 903,60 € 3.318,93 € 6.681,07 €
5 1.358,68 € 400,86 € 957,82 € 4.276,75 € 5.723,25 €
6 1.358,68 € 343,40 € 1.015,28 € 5.292,03 € 4.707,97 €
7 1.358,68 € 282,48 € 1.076,20 € 6.368,23 € 3.631,77 €
8 1.358,68 € 217,91 € 1.140,77 € 7.509,01 € 2.490,99 €
9 1.358,68 € 149,46 € 1.209,22 € 8.718,23 € 1.281,77 €
10 1.358,68 € 76,91 € 1.281,77 € 10.000,00 € 0,00 €

interests is obtained by multiplying the 6% interest rate per the par_value;

capital_paid is the difference between the installment and the interest paid for a given year.

loan_paid is the sum of the parts of the capital each year that got paid.

to_be_paid is the difference between the capital to pay at given year minus the capital_paid (the value of the first year in the first row is 10000-1358,68).


  • What did you tried?

    I can propose something like this:

    data test;
        attrib year par_value fixed_installment interest_rate interest capital_paid loan_paid to_be_paid format=best.;
        *-- Initial values --*;
        par_value = 10000;  
        fixed_installment = 1358.68;
        interest_rate = 0.06;
        loan_paid = 0;
        *-- Loop through 10 years --*;
        do year = 1 to 10;
            *-- Calculate interests --*;
            interest = round((par_value - loan_paid) * interest_rate, 0.01);
            *-- Calculate capital paid --*;
            capital_paid = fixed_installment - interest;
            *-- Calculate loan paid --*;
            loan_paid = loan_paid + capital_paid;
            *-- Calculate remaining loan --*;
            to_be_paid = par_value - loan_paid;