These codes are working. I create Fragment according these boolean values are false or true. But I want to do this with less code. I just tried add them in for loops but it gets longer also. How can I create fragment here dynamically with less code? I can't find a solution in stackOverflow and on the internet.
class ReportASMViewPagerAdapter(
fragmentManager: FragmentManager,
lifecycle: Lifecycle,
private val visitId: String,
private val facilityId: String,
private val tabItemCount: Int,
private val hasLabResult: Boolean,
private val hasRadResult: Boolean
) : FragmentStateAdapter(fragmentManager, lifecycle) {
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return tabItemCount
override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment {
if (hasLabResult && hasRadResult) {
return when (position) {
0 -> {
LaboratoryASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
1 -> {
RadiologyASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
2 -> {
PrescriptionASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
3 -> {
else -> {
} else if (hasLabResult && !hasRadResult) {
return when (position) {
0 -> {
LaboratoryASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
1 -> {
PrescriptionASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
2 -> {
else -> {
} else {
return when (position) {
0 -> {
RadiologyASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
1 -> {
PrescriptionASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
2 -> {
else -> {
You can use bellow codes but I think your codes are more readable:
override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment {
var newPosition = position
if (hasLabResult && hasRadResult) {
newPosition = position
} else if (hasLabResult && !hasRadResult) {
if (position >= 1) newPosition = position + 1
} else {
if (position != 0) newPosition = position + 1
return when (newPosition) {
0 -> LaboratoryASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
1 -> RadiologyASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
2 -> PrescriptionASMFragment.newInstance(referenceVisitId = visitId, facilityId = facilityId)
3 -> OtherReportsASMFragment()
else -> Fragment()