If I need to update the structure of 70,000
documents. Looping through the cursor and updating each one is super super slow. It does about 10/s
Any tips on how to update the document structure (essentially updating some values in every document in my database)
import json
import pymongo
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
for document in applications.find({}):
document["name"] = {"name": document["name"], "level": "999"}
applications.update_one({}, {"$set": document})
The database is hosted on a decent enough server, and I feel like its the code which is limiting the speed. Not the server.
Your current attempt is iterating the find() result set at js level and fire individual update back to database, which creates a lot of overhead and slow.
With MongoDB v4.2+, you can update with an aggregation pipeline.
$addFields: {
name: {
name: "$name",
level: "999"
multi: true
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.