I have already successfully retrieved messages from channels. I do that with the iter_messages function However, the message object does not contain the comments, only the users wrote the comments. In the object is a channel_id, this seems to be the linked group. But the group doesn't have a URL like t.me/xxx. Does anyone have an approach for a solution?
Here is an excerpt from the object as JSON.
"replies": {
"_": "MessageReplies",
"replies": 8,
"replies_pts": 17846,
"comments": true,
"recent_repliers": [
"_": "PeerUser",
"user_id": 57135752
"_": "PeerUser",
"user_id": 564589817
"_": "PeerUser",
"user_id": 888542547
"channel_id": 1484030956,
"max_id": 13402,
"read_max_id": null
Finally i found a solution which is working fine. When you have the specific message id you can set the flag reply_to. Then you get the comments of the channel posts.
def get_comments(client: TelegramClient, channel: str, message_id: int):
async def crawl_comments():
async for message in client.iter_messages(channel, reply_to=message_id):
print(message.text) # only comment
full_comment_obj = message.to_dict() # in JSON-Format
with client: