Search code examples

XML Linq - find a value of XElement from nested Descendants

I have a sample of the following XML response from a REST call

<GetHelloWorldResponse xmlns="">
  <Available xmlns:i="">
      <Pool xmlns:a="">

and I have this class to get-set the properties:

public class PoolDetails
        public string GameNumber { get; set; }
        public string PoolDate { get; set; }
        public string Category { get; set; }
        public string ScheduledCloseDate { get; set; }
        public string MinAllowedAST { get; set; }
        public string MaxAllowedAST { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<AdditionalPoolDetails> AdditionalPoolDetails { get; set; }

    public class AdditionalPoolDetails
        public string PoolId { get; set; }
        public string PoolType { get; set; }
        public string PoolStatus { get; set; }

Now I have this class to select the values:

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(GetResponseContent(response));
        XNamespace xmlnsa = "";
        XNamespace xmlnsb = "";
        IEnumerable<XElement> available = from xml in xdoc.Descendants(xmlnsa + "Available") select xml;
        IEnumerable<PoolDetails> poolDetails =
            from s in available.Descendants(xmlnsa + "Pool")
            select new PoolDetails()
                GameNumber = (string)s.Element(xmlnsa + "GameNumber"),
                PoolDate = (string)s.Element(xmlnsa + "PoolDate"),
                Category = (string)s.Element(xmlnsa + "Category"),
                ScheduledCloseDate = (string)s.Element(xmlnsa + "ScheduledCloseDate"),
                MinAllowedAST = (string)s.Element(xmlnsa + "MinAllowedAST"),
                MaxAllowedAST = (string)s.Element(xmlnsa + "MaxAllowedAST"),
                AdditionalPoolDetails = from t in s.Descendants(xmlnsa + "Pool") 
                                        select new AdditionalPoolDetails()
                                            PoolId = (string)s.Element(xmlnsb + "PoolId"),
                                            PoolType = (string)s.Element(xmlnsb + "PoolType"),
                                            PoolStatus = (string)s.Element(xmlnsb + "PoolStatus")

For some reason, the IEnumerable AdditionalPoolDetails (PoolId, PoolType, PoolStatus) are all returning null. Can anyone help? :)


  • You have to replace s with t in the last select. Also, it's better not to cast Element to string, but access to its Value property.

    AdditionalPoolDetails = from t in s.Descendants(xmlnsa + "Pool")
    select new AdditionalPoolDetails()
        PoolId = t.Element(xmlnsb + "PoolId")?.Value,
        PoolType = t.Element(xmlnsb + "PoolType")?.Value,
        PoolStatus = t.Element(xmlnsb + "PoolStatus")?.Value