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Web Components in Vanilla JS: Equivalent of ngFor and v-for?

I have a custom component defined in vanilla JS:

class Article extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

  connectedCallback() {

  render() {
    this.innerHTML = /*html*/ `

customElements.define("custom-article", Article);

I then would like to instantiate these components from an array, specifically (in the HTML):

This is trivial to do in both Angular and Vue.js (and probably in every other JS framework), however I can't find documentation on the same functionality being implemented in Vanilla JS.


  • Sadly, JS template literals don't come with such functionality yet - you're going to find yourself working less and less with HTML strings when working on vanilla JS webcomponents.

    Here's an example of a string-based approach in vanilla JS, rendering a list of fruits:

    class FruitList extends HTMLElement {
      ul = document.createElement('ul');
      fruits = ['Apple','Banana','Strawberry','Ananas','Cherry'];
      constructor() {
        super().attachShadow({mode: 'open'}).append(this.ul);
      connectedCallback() {
      render() {
        this.ul.innerHTML = this.fruits.reduce((s,f)=>s+=`<li>${f}</li>`,'');
    customElements.define("fruit-list", FruitList);

    Yet for simple HTML that is to be created, dropping the use of strings altogether works just fine:

    class FruitList extends HTMLElement {
      ul = document.createElement('ul');
      fruits = ['Apple','Banana','Strawberry','Ananas','Cherry'];
      constructor() {
        super().attachShadow({mode: 'open'}).append(this.ul);
      connectedCallback() {
      render() {
        while (this.ul.firstChild) this.ul.firstChild.remove();
        this.ul.append( => {
          const li = document.createElement('li');
          li.textContent = fruit;
          return li;
    customElements.define("fruit-list", FruitList);

    This also has the neat advantage that you can much more easily e.g. attach event listeners to the dynamically created elements.