I want to something to know , If I merge the branch , conflicts happens, If I cleared that, the destination will change right!!! but I want unmerged files also like ( for eg: merge request from dev(source branch) to stage(destination)--->conflicts ----->cleared----->any how the destination branch will change but I want the changed branch (changed files) as well unchanged branch files like (before merging )for eg: merge dev to stage---->I want dev files & dev merged to stage files and also stage files (unmerged file also).The problem was , If the stage files changed after merging , for future deployment I want the unmerged stage deployment files. at the time I suffer .Thank you
I want dev files & dev merged to stage files and also stage files (unmerged file also)
You have them. No commit in Git is ever lost, and every commit contains all the files, so you have every file in every state it was ever in during any commit.