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Protege inconsistent ontology ambiguous explanation

I have a class Course and a data property courseCode on the domain Course with range xsd:string.

I added an individual, a Course named "Databases". I also wanted to add the data property assertion courceCode with a value of "DAT475" and a type of xsd:string. But after doing that I get this error:

inconsistent ontology explanation

What does this mean? What did I do wrong?

Edit: The file I'm working on is using turtle syntax.


  • You have a plain literal (the presence of an @en language tag separates a plain literal from a string literal) as filler for a property whose range is defined as xsd:string (i.e., limited to string literals only).

    It's a bit counterintuitive, but the problem is that plain string literals and strings are not in the same datatype.