I wrote a small project using C++, OpenCV 2.2 and g++ in Ubuntu 11.04. I need to make a library (.so would be better), but I want it to run on the other computer, without OpenCV installed.
I've tried to build dynamic library using -shared and -fPIC flags for g++, and copied OpenCV .so libs to the working directory. Actually I need only core and feature2d, but actually it requested lot's of other libs, including highgui, which also has many dependencies.
I tried static linking, using -Wl,-Bstatic flags, but also unsuccessfully.
Did someone has the same problems? I would appreciate any kind of help.
It is possible to build OpenCV without dependencies from system libraries. To turn of all the dependencies for OpenCV 2.2 on Linux you can run cmake with following arguments:
But in this case you will not be able to use many of functions form highgui module: