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Azure Active Directory Enterprise App OpenID and User Provisioning (SCIM)

I'm trying to build an Enterprise App in Azure that will support SSO using OpenID Connect and User Provisioning using a SCIM API.

When I create the application using the OpenID Connect approach I don't have an option to enable user provisioning. If I do the Non-gallery approach I can enable user provisioning and test out my SCIM API. Am I missing something? Why is that option not available for OpenID Connect?

I followed this diagram to pick the correct SSO.

enter image description here

Then selected the "App you're developing" option in Azure.

enter image description here

Once I go to the Provisioning part the "Get started" button is disable:

enter image description here

BUT if I choose the Non-Gallery option when creating the application the Provisioning part is enabled and allows we to step through the wizard to wireup to a SCIM API: enter image description here


  • According to Azure ad app-provisioning-known-issues -microsoft docs

    If you create an app registration, the corresponding service principal in enterprise apps won't be enabled for automatic user provisioning. Your app needs to be in the gallery to have provisioning enabled.For that You'll need to either request the app be added to the gallery, if intended for use by multiple organizations, or create a second non-gallery app for provisioning.

    To get your app in the gallery, see how to-app gallery listing

    See SaaS App Integration Tutorials for use with Azure AD | Microsoft Docs


    1. Azure AD Enterprise application not showing 'automatic' provisioning mode - Stack Overflow
    2. Problem configuring user provisioning to an Azure Active Directory Gallery app | Microsoft Docs