Very new to PHP/programming in general, and I've been trying to run a PHP file set up to parse an Atom feed outputted from the Google Search API for Shopping. When run however, the code outputs a large number enter code heref errors (warnings), all having to do with XPath:
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: Undefined namespace prefix in /home/ultradea/public_html/gtest/search.php on line 205
Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed in /home/ultradea/public_html/gtest/search.php on line 205
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home6/legionit/public_html/pricemash/search.php on line 289
The full code I'm working with can be found here: search.php
Here's the uploaded copy I'm working with that outputs the errors -
And here's the specific code in question
Lines 204-207
$xml = simplexml_load_string($return);
$result = $xml->xpath('//openSearch:totalResults');
$START = array_shift($xml->xpath('openSearch:startIndex'));
$RESULTS = array_shift($xml->xpath('openSearch:totalResults'));
<...> Line 261
$spelling_suggestion = array_shift($xml->xpath('s:spelling/s:suggestion'));
<...> Lines 273-280
$promos = "";
foreach ($xml->xpath('s:promotions/*') as $item) {
$promos .= "<td><a href='$item[link]'>$item[description]";
if ($item[imageLink] != "") {
$promos .= "<br/><img src='$item[imageLink]'>";
$promos .= "</td>";
<...> Lines 328-335
$NARROW = "";
foreach ($xml->xpath('s:facets/*') as $item) {
$values = $item->xpath('s:bucket');
$type = $item['type'];
$attrib_name = $item['name'];
if ($attrib_name == "") {
$attrib_name = $item['property']; // Default types
Each of those correspond to one or more of the error messages outputted on the search.php file I uploaded to my server. I have no experience with XPath, so I'm not even exactly sure what the namespace prefix in question is. Really appreciate the help!
openSearch is the undefined namespace here. You'll have to define that earlier, and everything should start working properly.