Please explain the following function signature which appeared when I hovered over the function in VS Code. I'm especially curious what exactly "requires" means and why 'b is 'a.
val handleSingleEvent:
: Request
-> 'b (requires :> seq<list<string>>)
Generic Parameters
Below is the code
let handleEvents (requests: Request list, reqEventQueue: EventQueue, session: Session) =
let rec handleSingleEvent (request: Request) : seq<list<string>> =
seq {
let eventObj = reqEventQueue.NextEvent()
match eventObj.Type with
| Event.EventType.REQUEST_STATUS -> yield processMiscEvents eventObj |> makeJson
| Event.EventType.ADMIN -> yield processAdminEvent eventObj |> makeJson
| Event.EventType.AUTHORIZATION_STATUS -> yield processAuthEvent eventObj session |> makeJson
| Event.EventType.PARTIAL_RESPONSE ->
yield processReferenceResponseEvent eventObj
|> makeJson
yield! handleSingleEvent request
| Event.EventType.RESPONSE -> yield processReferenceResponseEvent eventObj |> makeJson
| _ -> yield processMiscEvents eventObj |> makeJson
} |> ignore
handleSingleEvent request (fun request -> handleSingleEvent request) requests
After adding the return type annotation seq<list<string>>
, hovering over the function in VS Code now displays the function signature as
val handleSingleEvent:
: Request
-> seq<list<string>>
"requires" disappeared and "Generic Parameters `b is `a" disappeared.
'requires' indicates a member constraint, meaning that the generic type argument is constrained to exhibit such member. As a brief example:
let inline f<'b when 'b : (member Name : string)> (x: 'b) = x
The generic type 'b is now constrained to have a member Name that returns a string.