I have three tables:
class Bank(models.Model):
class Deposit(models.Model):
class DepositProposal(models.Model):
percent = models.FloatField()
deposit = models.ForeignKey(Deposit)
bank = models.ForeignKey(Bank)
Banks can participate in deposit auctions by applying the DepositProposal instance. How can I filter Banks that do not participate in Deposit? Found that I should use two left join but I didn't come across it using PosgtreSQL.
If you want to know the deposits in which a bank does not participate:
1- Add a related_name to deposit and bank:
class DepositProposal(models.Model):
percent = models.FloatField()
deposit = models.ForeignKey(Deposit, related_name = "proposals")
bank = models.ForeignKey(Bank, related_name = "proposals")
2- Get the bank that you want to check:
bank = Bank.objects.first() #For example, the first bank
3- Get the queryset:
deposits = Deposit.objects.exclude(proposals__bank = bank)
If you want to know the banks that not participate on a specific deposit:
deposit = Deposit.objects.first() #For example, the first deposit
banks = Bank.objects.exclude(proposals__deposit = deposit)