i can display image to pdf when i use local image path with jasper-reports, but i need to get the image from amazon S3, how can i display amazon S3 image to pdf by java? should i download the image from amazonS3 first? or link the full image path in jasper report? for example, i linked the local image path by jasper-reports, if i want to get the image from amazonS3 , how can i do that? please hlpe me.
<imageExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["image_name.jpg"]]></imageExpression>
You can generate a pre-signed URL of the S3 image object using AWS Java SDK and use the pre-signed URL in the jasper-reports. In this way, you don't have to download the image from S3. Please note that there is an expiry time for the pre-signed which can be set from java.
Below is the code snippet for reference to generate S3 pre-signed URL.
More details in this link. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ShareObjectPreSignedURL.html
public class GenerateS3SignedUrl implements BiFunction<String, String, String> {
public String apply(String bucketName, String objectKey) {
String awsRegion = StringUtils.isEmpty(System.getenv(Constant.REGION)) ? Constant.DEFAULT_REGION :
log.info("calculating expiration hrs defaults to 2 hrs");
int expirationHrs;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(System.getenv(Constant.EXPIRATION_DURATION))) {
expirationHrs = 2;
} else if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(System.getenv(Constant.EXPIRATION_DURATION))) {
expirationHrs = 2;
} else {
expirationHrs = Integer.parseInt(System.getenv(Constant.EXPIRATION_DURATION));
long expirationInMillis = 1000L * 60 * 60 * expirationHrs;
log.info("create pre-signed url generate request..");
GeneratePresignedUrlRequest generatePresignedUrlRequest =
new GeneratePresignedUrlRequest(bucketName, objectKey)
log.info("generate pre-signed url..");
URL preSignedUrl = AwsCommonConfig.getAmazonS3Client(awsRegion)
log.info("return pre-signed url for file : {} with expiration in {} hrs.", objectKey, expirationHrs);
return preSignedUrl.toString();
public class AwsCommonConfig {
private static AmazonS3 amazonS3;
public static AmazonS3 getAmazonS3Client (String awsRegion) {
if (amazonS3 == null) {
amazonS3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
return amazonS3;