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Intellij Plugin Completion exits on dot?

What I wanna achieve?

When the Completion list shows up, my code will map all the language files located in .neon files and show them as auto complete text.

What I have done?

I restricted the completion to only show up when your caret is in between double quotes or single quotes


When I start typing it works as expected

enter image description here

But as soon as I type the dot character it miss behaves enter image description here

I need the completion list to look up my whole string I wrote, not only those after the dot character

As a really bad workaround is to don't write the dot character

enter image description here

Can it be done somehow?


  • Okay, i got it. This is a default behavior of intelliJ where i was testing it. After opening and testing the plugin in a proper intelliJ Ultimate instance. It works by default. I don't know why the sandboxed version has porblems with it.