I have got a raster stack of 4 raster and created a single raster with each cell showing the highest value across the 4 layers as follows:
stack_raster <- list()
var_name <- c("tmax","tmin","drought","flood")
for(i in seq_along(var_name)){
var_ref <- var_name[i]
r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10)
names(r) <- var_ref
values(r) <- sample(100)
stack_raster[[i]] <- r
s <- raster::stack(stack_raster)
max_raster <- whiches.max(s)
However, in the legend, instead of showing the values, I want to show the the name of actual raster that contributed to that value. How can I create such map?
You need which.max(s)
instead of whiches.max(s)
. Then, to plot, the easiest thing is probably to melt
the raster into a data frame and assign the labels to the value
column and use ggplot
to draw the result with geom_tile
or geom_raster
max_raster <- which.max(s)
df <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(max_raster))
df$value <- factor(var_name[df$value], var_name)
ggplot(df, aes(Var2, Var1, fill = value)) +
geom_tile() +
scale_y_reverse() +
coord_equal() +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +