I have tried to use Nextjs getStaticProps function on a page
and deployed it on AWS Amplify. However when I gave the option 'revalidate'
AWS cloudfront occurred an error. A 503 error saying it didn't have permission
something like that... does anyone know how to fix this problem?
First, go in Cloudwatch logs in the region where the error occurred, with Log Insights, find the error. You will get more details about the reason Lambda raised a 503.
I bet it's SQS rights. As quoted here: https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-hosting/issues/2175#issuecomment-900514998
Fixable like this:
TL;DR: Add SQS rights to your lambda function execution role.
1/ With your log error, you will get the lambda function name
2/ Go to the lambda function configuration, and get Role name, then click to edit
3/ Edit the permission policiy in JSON and add this:
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
Review and apply, it should work.