I uses Listview.builder. it detect scroll end to many time that is why API call to many times and add duplicate Data in Listview.
controller: _scrollController
..addListener(() async {
if (_scrollController
.position.pixels -
10 ==
.maxScrollExtent -
10 &&
!state.isPaginationLoading) {
print("Scroll End TEst Screen");
await ctx
context, true, null);
Dont put logic code inside build. In your case _scrollController
will addListener every times widget build called, cause multiple handle will trigger.
Advice for you is create and put handle logic to a function, put addListener/removeListener
in initState/dispose
because they was called only once.
With your problem, you can create a variale to check api was called yet and prevent other call.
class AppState extends State<App> {
var scroll = ScrollController();
var preventCall = false;
initState() {
void dispose() {
Future yourFuture() async {}
void onScroll() {
var position = scroll.position.pixels;
if (position >= scroll.position.maxScrollExtent - 10) {
if (!preventCall) {
yourFuture().then((_) => preventCall = false);
preventCall = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ...