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Any dialog window in DM that will not block the whole program?

I would like to know whether there is a kind of pup-up dialog that will not block the whole program. In the following simplified example, the standard deviation of a test image is calculated and then pups up in an OK dialog window.

image Img := RealImage("",4,1024,1)
Img = Random()

number SDev = sqrt(Img.Variance())
OKDialog("Standard deviation =" + SDev)

number Factor
if(!GetNumber("Input the factor that I want:", 5, Factor))

Is it possible to move this window aside (since the info within is needed) so that I can still zoom in or zoom out my image for further evaluation?

OkDialog(), ShowAlert(), and OkCancelDialog() all cannot fit my requirement. As well, I am aware of that printing this value in the result window could be an alternative, but I just want to show this info in a more visible dialog window.

Thanks in advance.


  • Any dialog derived from UIFrame and displayed with the Display() method and not the Pose() method will do exactly that.

    However, when displaying such a modeless dialog your other code will just continue to run. The dialog is on a separate thread.

    This is the opposite of a modal dialog which will wait for it to be closed before code execution resumes.

    So, if you want a script, that presents a dialog, allow "doing stuff" but then continues when the dialog closes, things are a bit more complicated to do. You can only do this when you script is on a background thread.


    Simple, blocking, modal dialog:

        Result("I do stuff \n")
        OKDialog("Wait for me!")
        Result("I continue to do stuff \n")

    Simple, modeless dialog. Only works for scripts on a background thread:

        // $BACKGROUND$
        number ModelessTwoButtonDialog(string prompt, string but1, string but2)
              number sem = NewSemaphore()
              Catch{return 0;}
              return 1
        Result("I do stuff \n")
        number res = ModelessTwoButtonDialog("Wait for me!","OK","CANCEL")
        Result("I continue to do stuff. You pressed:" + res)

    Simple, modeless dialog that will not block your script execution. (But dialog buttons may do stuff).

        class myDlg:UIframe{
              void OnButtonDoStuff(object self) { result("\n Action!"); }
              myDlg(object self)
                   taggroup dlg = DLGCreateDialog("My Dialog")
                    dlg.DLGAddElement(DLGCreateLabel("just text in this dialog"))
                   dlg.DLGAddElement(DLGCreatePushButton("DO stuff", "OnButtonDoStuff"))
                   self.Init( dlg )
        Result("I do stuff \n")
        Result("I continue to do stuff.")

    Simple, modal dialog that will block your script execution. (But dialog buttons may do stuff).

        class myDlg:UIframe{
              void OnButtonDoStuff(object self) { result("\n Action!"); }
              myDlg(object self)
                   taggroup dlg = DLGCreateDialog("My Dialog")
                    dlg.DLGAddElement(DLGCreateLabel("just text in this dialog"))
                   dlg.DLGAddElement(DLGCreatePushButton("DO stuff", "OnButtonDoStuff"))
                   self.Init( dlg )
        Result("I do stuff \n")
        Result("I continue to do stuff.")

    Simple, modeless dialog that will block your script execution until closed. (But dialog buttons may do stuff). (The script on the main-thread is constantly telling DM to do other stuff as long as the window is open. A bit ugly.)

    class myDlg:UIframe{
          void OnButtonDoStuff(object self) { result("\n Action!"); }
          myDlg(object self)
               taggroup dlg = DLGCreateDialog("")
                dlg.DLGAddElement(DLGCreateLabel("just text in this dialog"))
               dlg.DLGAddElement(DLGCreatePushButton("DO stuff", "OnButtonDoStuff"))
               self.Init( dlg )
          ~myDlg(object self){Result("\n Dialog actually removed from memory.");}
    Result("I do stuff \n")
    documentwindow win = Alloc(myDlg).display("Title")
    while (win.WindowIsOpen()) doEvents()
    Result("I continue to do stuff.")
    win = NULL