Does apply provide In-App Purchase icon? I've been trying to find but couldn't get it anywhere. In my app I want to show customers various payment options such as PayPal, Apple Pay, In-App Purchase etc. Can't find any icon for In-App Purchase. I've seen some apps using an icon which is like Apple Pay icon but InApp written on it, not sure where to get it?
Is there a way to get it programatically? If yes how?
Attaching a screenshot of an app which has used this in-app purchase icon. Where to get it from?
It seems that Apple does not provide an ready-made Button for us.
You can use Apple
icon and InApp
text to make a UIButton, set
layer cornerRadius
and borderColor
for it.
use imageEdgeInsets
、 titleEdgeInsets
and contentEdgeInsets
are to adjust offset.
SF Symbols help a lot, you can find the Apple icon with String applelogo
and then complement it.
let appleIcon = UIImage(systemName: "applelogo")
It is available for iOS14.0+.
Call Apple Purchase
API manually
You can find GitHub here SwiftyStoreKit or use Apple API StoreKit